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Ave Maria Westminster Abbey 1985
Psalm 136 Westminster Abbey 1986
Organ Fantasia on Alma Redemptoris MaterMarc Rochester (organ)
A New Christmas Carol
A Woodsman Came
words by Charlotte Phillips

A Woodsman Came Audacity edit Live Chapter House recording.
00:00 / 05:46

"Requiem Aeternam" 

(from An English Requiem)

Mediaeval Song Cycle

Memories of Madeira                                A Symphonic Poem for Orchestra

Madeira 2009 047.JPG

July 2009:  Walking the Madeiran Lavadas

7.Now is the month of Maying (Morley)
00:00 / 02:25
8. The Silver Swan (Gibbons)
00:00 / 01:43
9.Linden Lea (Vaughan Williams)
00:00 / 02:44
10.All creatures now are merry minded (Bennett)
00:00 / 02:17
11.The Long Day Closes (Sullivan)
00:00 / 04:09
12.O Magnum mysterium (Victoria)
00:00 / 04:20
13.Locus Iste (Bruckner)
00:00 / 03:26
14.And so it goes (Joel)
00:00 / 04:08
15. Matona Mia Cara (Lassus)
00:00 / 02:57
16. A nightingale sang (Sherwin)
00:00 / 03:37
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